There are numerous ways to deal with snow and ice. Snowfighters nationwide are constantly experimenting with different chemical mixtures and methods to find what works best for them and stick with it. However, as snowfighters, we know there is always room for improvement, and brine is the ultimate tool to achieve that. Take a look at these photos that show a comparison between roads with and without brine pretreatment.
Daniel Gilliland

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Photographic Proof That Pretreating With Brine Works
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Daniel Gilliland
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3 Ways Using Only Rock Salt is Killing Your Business
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[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 14, 2023 9:30:06 AM / by
Daniel Gilliland
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For decades, rock salt has been a popular solution for snow and ice control on roads, sidewalks, and parking lots. But as the snowfighter industry has evolved, so has our understanding of the negative impacts that rock salt has on our business and the environment. By primarily using rock salt in your snow and ice control business, you’re keeping yourself from a safe, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective snowfighting operation. In this article, we’ll tell you how to fix that.
Can You “Season” A Surface With Liquid Brine?
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[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 12, 2023 9:32:18 AM / by
Daniel Gilliland
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Benefits of Liquids
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What Every Snowfighter Should Know About Climate Change
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[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 26, 2023 11:34:00 AM / by
Daniel Gilliland
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Using Liquids
Each year, it seems that more people are growing concerned with climate change’s potential to affect various industries, and snowfighters are no different. The threat of shifting weather patterns and increasingly unpredictable winter conditions are enough to get even the hardened snowfighters worried for the future. All the information on climate change out there can feel like information overload, so here’s how climate change will affect our industry from a snowfighter’s perspective.
11 Snowfighting Terms You Should Know
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Daniel Gilliland
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Using Liquids
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The Ultimate Guide to Making Salt Brine in 2023
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[fa icon="calendar'] May 1, 2023 10:54:28 AM / by
Daniel Gilliland
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Using Liquids
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